Lockdown Geocaching

So as we are still under lockdown but allowed out for exercise we decided to take a walk down to the river, and when we arrived I checked the android app c:geo to see if there were any geocaches nearby, and we found one. So on the way back from the family walk along the river we checked where the geocache was and it was literally a few hundred metres away. So of course we had to find it.

We fired up c:geo and switch to compass screen and we were off. Or should that be Reubs was off he checked which way the arrow was pointed and swiftly went walking off, following the arrow. All the while shouting out the distance to the geocache.

As we got without reach of the geocache, poor Reubs took a tumble, thanks to the local council and their lack of maintenance of the steps, one was rotten and he fell head first tumbling down the step. Thankfully it was a soft landing and not far. After a few tears, he was right back at geocache hunting.

When we got to within 7m, it was hunting time and as always it was mum that spotted the geocache amongst the rocks.

We retrieved the cache and sadly couldn’t sign the log as it was soaking, we did however manage to do a swap. We put in a little rubber and little lego man and Reubs took a slinky.

So all in all it was an awesome day with another find added to out tally.

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